Justin Granger Coaching

I am an ex professional Triathlete with over 25 years of experience in the sport and a coach for more than 2 decades, beginning in 2000.

I started competing in triathlon events in the late 1980s as a teenager, and by the mid 1990s I began racing under an Australian professional triathlon license.

In the early 2000s I quit my full time job and started a journey, travelling the world racing as a pro with my wife Belinda Granger.

By that point, I had developed quite a fair idea on how to train and compete, so I began sharing my knowledge and experience as a triathlon coach.

The past 20 years I have coached for a number of Tri teams and communities, built training plans for specific events and hosted numerous training camps. Gradually over that time I have built my own online coaching business and have worked with hundreds of athletes in all corners of the globe.


Learn More about Coaching Options

If you'd like to learn more about my coaching services, you can see more detail on my Coaching Services page, or get in touch with me if you have specific questions, or to see whether we could be a good fit working together.